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What happens if you overstay in Canada?

One of the most generous nations you may travel to is Canada. You are allowed to stay for up to six months as a tourist. If you want to stay longer, you can also request an extension that lasts at least 30 days. You may remain as long as your permit allows you to as a worker and student. However, some people overstay in Canada more than they are allowed to.

Regretfully, there are a lot of possible repercussions you could have to deal with if you overstay a visa or permit. Not only can overstaying result in the loss of your present immigration status or benefits, but it can also make it impossible for you ever to get permanent Canadian citizenship. The repercussions of staying too long in Canada are explained in this article. 

What happens if you overstay in Canada?

Visas for temporary residency in Canada are often granted based on the length of time your passport is valid. Ten years is the maximum you can receive. Additionally, Canada is particularly welcoming to immigrants. However, you must follow your visa’s requirements and ensure that you don’t overstay in Canada to receive benefits. Staying in Canada for too long can have detrimental effects. The precise results may differ based on variables like the duration of the overstay, unique situations, and immigration officials’ judgment.

Overstaying temporary residents (workers, students, and visitors) in Canada may result in inadmissibility, according to immigration restrictions in Canada. Those deemed ineligible for entrance may be refused a visa or an eTA (Electronic Travel Authorization) or expelled from Canada. Temporary residents who violate the terms of their stay—such as staying longer than permitted or working or studying without the required authorization—may be refused entry or deported from the country. The following are possible consequences of overstay in Canada: 

1. Arrest, Deportation, or Removals

Those who overstay in Canada may be deported. A removal order issued by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) may result in expulsion from the nation.   

If a person stays in Canada for an extended period, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) or the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) may issue a Removal Order. Removal orders will specify that you must leave Canada and cannot lawfully remain there. If you filed an appeal, it may take effect immediately or after a ruling. Three different kinds of removal orders exist:  

  • Departure Order: Upon the order’s implementation, the subject of the removal must depart Canada within 30 days and provide the CBSA with proof of their departure to be eligible for future visits. If not (no confirmation or did not depart within 30 days), returning to Canada requires obtaining an ATR (Authorization to Return). 
  • Exclusion Order: You are not allowed to return for a year. Apply for an Authorization to Return to Canada if you plan to return within a year. If the order results from misrepresentation, the one-year ban will be extended to five years. You have to reimburse the CBSA for the expense of your removal.
  • Deportation Order: Without authorization to return to Canada, you are prohibited from entering the country and cannot do so. Return the money that the CBSA spent on your removal. 

The CBSA may issue an arrest warrant for anyone across Canada if you fail to attend a removal interview or arrange a date. You can be placed under arrest with an escort.  

  • Be removed: You can also be informed that you must leave Canada since you cannot stay there lawfully. The specific sort of Removal Order you obtain will determine how soon and how long you have to leave the country.  
  • Be Detained: People who overstay their visas may occasionally find themselves in the custody of immigration officials while they await their eventual departure. 

2. Ban on Re-entry

Re-entry into Canada may be prohibited for a predetermined amount of time if you overstay. The prohibition’s length is determined by several variables, including the circumstances behind the overstay and its duration. 

3.Ineligibility for Status Changes

People who overstay may be unable to seek permanent residency or change their immigration statusamong other immigration benefits. 

4. Impact on Future Visa Applications

The repercussions continue even after you leave Canada. Authorities may legitimately use a previous inadmissibility determination or a previous removal to reject your current re-entry application if you apply for another visa. 

Overstaying in Canada could hurt subsequent immigration requests. It could be viewed negatively while requesting work permits, visas, or other immigration benefits.  

Your visa can be refused if the authorities find out you overstayed in Canada, particularly if you were found inadmissible or received a removal order.  

Applying as a Canadian citizen or permanent resident will allow you to work and stay in Canada for an extended period. Keep your distance, and don’t overstay. They’re eager to welcome you as a citizen or resident. Canada offers excellent benefits as well, ranging from health care to education. Thus, it is preferable to abide by their policies. 

It is imperative that those who may be overstaying take aggressive measures to correct their immigration status. To investigate your options and lessen the effects of overstaying, consult with immigration professionals like Canadian lawyers or Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs). 

How do I overcome my overstay in Canada?

Handling your issue proactively is critical if you have overstayed in Canada. Although specific situations may differ, the following general guidelines should be kept in mind. It is also strongly advised to consult an immigration lawyer or a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) for help. 

1. Evaluate your Immigration Status

Find out how your immigration documents are being handled and see the details of your overstay. This includes being aware of the length of your overstay and any other pertinent information.

2. Consult a Professional RCIC

Speak with an experienced immigration specialistsuch as an RCIC or an immigration lawyer, who can evaluate your circumstancesoffer advice on your alternatives, and assist you in navigating the immigration system. 

3. Apply for Restoration of Status Canada

Should you apply for the restoration of status Canada within a specific timeframe after it expires, you can qualify. This entails regaining legal status in Canada by completing the required paperwork and fees 

4. Voluntary Departure

Before receiving a removal orderthink about departing Canada voluntarilyAlthough there can still be repercussionsleaving one’s own volition is usually seen more favourably than deportation.

5. Humanitarian and Compassionate Considerations (H&C)

Your situation might qualify you to apply for Humanitarian and Compassionate (H&Cconsiderations. This procedure is intended for people dealing with extraordinary situations that require extra care. 

6. Compliance with Immigration Laws

Make sure that immigration regulations are strictly followed from now on. Respect any restrictions on your visit and try to remain aware of your immigration status. 

7. Gather Supporting Documents

Gather all the supporting material you’ll needincluding evidence of your ties to your native country, a declaration that you intend to abide by immigration regulations and any other pertinent records that may help strengthen your case. 

8. Communicate with IRCC

Keep lines of communication open and honest with immigration authoritiesExplain your circumstances and any supporting evidence if you strongly justify your overstay. 

9. Consider Legal Representation

You should get legal counsel if your case is complicatedincludes humanitarian issues, or you could be deported. An expert can represent you in court and help you navigate the legal system. 

10. Be ready for Consequences

Be ready for possible repercussions, such as fines, denial of entrance, or other sanctions. Having a clear understanding of the possible results will aid in decision-making. 

Remember that every situation is different, and the best course of action relies on the particulars. To successfully navigate the complexities of immigration law and improve the chances of a successful outcome, professional counsel is essential.